
I'm Emily and I love food - cooking, eating, talking about and looking at it. (Yeah. It doesn't take much.) But that's really not so different from the rest of the world - we all have a big obsession with food, and for good reason. Food nourishes us, bring us together, and teaches us about the world and about each other. Food is the connector between the earth and you, and between you and me. It's something of a universal language - we all speak food even if in different dialects; but culturally we all cook, and eat, and do it together, and that might be one of the greatest common denominators there is.

Besides all that, food is beautiful, and I think it deserves to be documented. I find that I appreciate my food more if I take a moment to look at it more closely, remember what went into it. So...pictures!

You'll also notice this site is bilingual - click the link that says En Espanol and you'll be transported to a Spanish-language version of the blog. If you count English, Spanish, and Food, I'm actually speaking three languages here ;)

Finally, I want to reinforce and encourage the idea that food brings people together by making the effort to visit people in their homes, learn their recipes, and the wisdom they've gained from cooking their own food. Putting those experiences here makes those connections 10-fold.

Food doesn't have to be fancy, complicated, or expensive to be delicious, satisfying and nourishing; sometimes less really is more.